DNMADE Mention Space / Public Bachelor’s degree
Communication Space, Temporary Arrangement, Stage designing/scenography and event planning course
This course is meant to learn about how a brand company or an institution can became established in a physical space where the public can circulate and even interact with the scenic proposal.
The communication space course allows to learn all forms of communication necessary for the existence of a brand, a product of a service. This pedagogy emphasises the ability to project and understand the needs of both the client and the recipient.
Mastering technical and artistic skills, both traditional and contemporary , is fundamental and helps students in the development of their professionalisation.
Humanities / Arts, design and technical culture / Tools for expression and creative exploration / Technologies and materials / Digital tools and languages / Modern languages / Economic and legal contexts / Practice and implementation of projects / Communication and project mediation / Creative approach
A DNMADE holder can exercise their professional activity as a designer, craftsman or independent technician, company employee or entrepreneur, within different professional structures:
Design agency, design department integrated in a company, an institution or a local authority, an artisanal or industrial production company or service. It provides access to various professional sectors: design management, design and production of material goods, design and immaterial or interactive production, Usage Design, manufacturing and restoration in arts and crafts, research teaching.
Terms of Access
All series/options of a High School Diploma; MANNAA ( applied arts levelling), BMA (high school diploma in arts and crafts), Graphic Design preparatory course
Registration via Parcoursup
Under contract with the State/Government. Authorised to receive scholarship recipients
Access Level
DN MADE – High School Diploma +3 years
State diploma – Licence Grade Approved
Level 6
3 years training
Art Director
Commercial space Designer
Stage designer/Scenographer
2nd semester: 2 weeks/ 70 hours
4th semester: 8 to 10 weeks
5th semester: 8 to 10 weeks